
Minecraft 1.11.2 faithful texture pack
Minecraft 1.11.2 faithful texture pack

minecraft 1.11.2 faithful texture pack

  • First of all download Faithful and follow the installation tutorial there.
  • First the standard Faithful 32x Texture Pack and then Faithful 3D. As an exception, you have to download two files. The installation is a bit different than usual because it is an add-on as mentioned above. For even better visual results you should also take a look at Minecraft Shader. It’s best to try the Texture Pack yourself because this way you can have a look at everything in your environment. The excellent textures look relatively unspectacular, which is not true. Honestly, it has turned out to be extremely difficult to display the 3D blocks on screenshots. The pack is an absolute highlight if you are into the Minecraft Vanilla style. In my opinion, there are definitely some similarities to Default 3D, but with the difference that Faithful 3D has much more detail.Įspecially for gamers who want some variety, the Faithful 3D Texture Pack is perfect. In other words, your Minecraft world looks more realistic, because the textures have a new depth. In this case, the blocks and items are modified to get a 3D effect. One of the best is the Faithful 3D Texture Pack (Compliance 3D), which gives you a whole new gaming experience.įirst of all, you should know that add-ons are not complete packs, they are just additions. Thousands of players use the pack and that’s why there are also a lot of add-ons. If you take a look at the download counter, you will notice that it is extremely high.

    minecraft 1.11.2 faithful texture pack

    But now I want to explain to you why I am writing this article.

    minecraft 1.11.2 faithful texture pack

    By default the resolution is only 16×16 and therefore Faithful has doubled the pixels. Basically, it’s like the Default Pack, but much more high-resolution. You’ve probably heard of the great Faithful 32x Texture Pack.

    Minecraft 1.11.2 faithful texture pack